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Uncle Shakespeare – An Amazon Echo Skill

UncleShakespeare_108x108The 'Ask Uncle Shakespeare' skill is an amusing way to use the Amazon Echo - a hands-free speaker you control with your voice - to generate insults in the lofty language of The Bard!  Words are chosen at random from a bank of Shakespeare's adjectives and nouns, delivered in sentence form. Here are some samples:

You beslubbering dread-bolted hugger-mugger!

You churlish lout who art common-kissing and paunchy!

You reeling-ripe Wart-necked measle!

Inspired by the many 'Shakespeare Insult' web pages and the (original?) Shakespeare insult worksheet created long ago by Jerry Maquire, English Teacher at Center Grove High School in Greenwood, Indiana.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome! Send to :  uncleshakespeare at
Thanks for trying the skill.